Scented labels for packages of wholesale perfumed roses


Scented flowers labels are an innovative activation containing fragrance that provides consumer with a unique sampling experience. Fragrance it’s a complex mash-up of odoriferous ingredients, from both natural and synthetic origins.

scented label

We are delighted to announce that we intent to implement scented labels on our perfumed roses for wholesale customers . Perfumed roses have beautiful blooms and in most cases wonderful fragrance held on graceful attractive shrubs.

How does it work
By rubbing on the part of the label where the fragrance is located, the scent will be activated. This aroma is added as an extra print run and also provides a strong, durable protective coating. The aroma coating won’t affect the design of the label, so it will retain its magnificent appearance.

Researchers at The University of Nijmegen, in the Netherlands, have discovered that fragrances have a significant impact on the regions of the brain associated with memory. Indeed, scents evoke memories and memories invoke emotion – from a wonderful holiday to a beautiful garden. By associating the product with this pleasurable memory, the buyer is more likely to commit to the purchase.

The label will give off the aroma for a long time, so it doesn’t disappear after the first touch. Some of the scents we offer include: strawberry, rose, cherry and orange blossom.

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