Buy Wholesale Flowers Direct From Smallholder Farmers in Kenya
Eagle-Link Flowers connects smallholder farmers of Fresh Cut Flowers from Kenya with Florist importer buyers around the world as an online closed B2B marketplace. has adopted floral eCommerce & floral technologies to connect florist buyers globally with smallholder cut flower producers from Kenya.
We empower Farmers with a SAAS Digital Agriculture Tech and Florist Buyers with Smart Shopping Assistant plus an Effective Supply Chain Management.
Farm-Firm-Florist Relationship

Farm-Firm Relationship: Eagle-Link Flowers And The Smallholder Farmers

The floriculture industry in Kenya
The floriculture industry is one of the fastest growing sub-sectors of the horticultural industry in the Kenyan economy. The cut flower industry in Kenya contributes more than 50% of foreign exchange earnings from total horticultural exports. The Kenya Flower Council (KFC) estimates that the flower industry contributes US$ 200 million annually to Kenya’s economy and employs nearly 2 million people both directly and indirectly.
The Kenya’s cut flower industry is the largest single source of flower imports into the European Union (EU) commanding up to 25 per cent of the total imports ahead of
Colombia (17 per cent) and Israel (16 Per cent). Kenya exports 60,000 tonnes of flowers into the EU annually with the floral varieties dominated by roses (more than
70 per cent), Carnations, Hypericum, Alstoremeria and Eryngium amongst others. Apart from Holland where the bulk of Kenya’s flowers are exported (more than 65
percent), other export destinations include UK, Germany, France and Switzerland.
Who Are Smallholder Cut Flower Farmers in Kenya
The cut flower industry is dominated by large-scale sophisticated outfits, growing mainly flowers in greenhouse and owned mostly by foreigners or Kenyans of foreign descent who make up to 97 per cent of total flower exports. Smallholder contribution to the total earning from the sector is estimated 5%. This imbalance is explained by the high capital and knowledge intensive nature of the flower business and the strict regulatory market requirements which has locked out most of the small scale growers.
It is estimated that capital investment in flower production requires about US$ 50,000 per hectare besides a vigorous marketing network. These requirements have confined most of the small scale growers to summer flowers that can be grown outdoors and do not require heavy investment in green houses and other sophisticated technologies. The small scale growers has been on the decline over the last 5 years as a result of competition from other areas as well as limited access to improved varieties.
The floriculture industry in Kenya has approximately 5000 producers ranging from smallholder farmers (less than 4 ha) to medium scale operations (10-20 ha) and large commercial operations (more than 50).
Fifty medium to large scale operations contribute or produce 75% of total exports fresh cut flowers and another 10-15% of exports are produced by several dozen small- to medium-scale operations. The remaining 5-13% of exports was produced by 3,000 – 4,000 smallholder farmers.
While most of the fresh cut flowers consumed in the worldwide market originate from large farms, growers and plantations, small scale flower farms play a bigger role in the overall sector output. Smallholders have actively participated in flower agriculture, which has contributed significantly to the development of rural economies.
Eagle-Link Flowers enables the smallholder farmers and growers to purchase inputs, receive tailored agronomic advice, and market the crops at harvest time.
We have made a conscious decision to shift from a commercial model of sourcing to partnerships with smallholder farmers. This is a decision we have not regretted because it has created a partnership of interdependency
Though Eagle-Link Flowers exports fresh cut flowers from mainly smallholder farmers in Kenya; We also consolidate from big farms, plantations and growers.
Smallholder farmers most grow summer flowers in the open fields including; onis, Craspedia, mobydic, eryngium, bulprelium, ammi, scabiosa arabicum and eryngium.
Farm-Firm Relationship
Well-managed contract farming is an effective way to coordinate and promote production and marketing in agriculture.
With Contract farming between our tech agribusiness firm and smallholders; they are now growing roses, carnations and chrysanthemums
What Is the Role of Tech Agribusiness Firms Like Eagle-Link Flowers in Developing Smallholder Cut Flower Farmers
The platform that connects village-level farmers to agri-business information, quality inputs, and credible agriculture services in their local communities to ensure a sustainable increase in farm production.
Contract farming between agribusiness firms and smallholders, the so-called ‘core–satellite’ model, is prevalent in floriculture but can artificial intelligence (AI) solve contextual constraints in fresh cut flowers farming?
Solutions we offer the smallholder farmers and growers
Agri Input Supply
We offer solutions that take care of the sales and supply of agricultural inputs, such as seeds and fertilizers.
Credit Access Support
Improve accountability and traceability of transactions within the contract farming ecosystem to offer credit access and support.
Procurement & Sales
Streamline the process of procuring and selling farm products ad promote fair farming practices with our centralized system.
Firm-Florist Relationship: Eagle-Link Flowers And The Buyer Florist.
We strive to deliver the best floral supplies for the best prices available. We want to make sure florists find the products they are looking for quickly and easily, and we want you to have a memorable experience with us.
Eagle-Link Flowers is a Florist Supplier and We export all our flowers globally and Supply Florists, Supermarkets, Event Planners, Flower Shops and Flower Wholesalers. We handle the quality control, logistics and Payments to give the farmer and the florist the best value.

Solutions we offer the Florist Buyers
Pink Eagle Recommendations – a smart virtual shopping assistant
an AI technology designed to transform the online customer experience. For instance, if a florist customer adds to cart roses, We recommend a filler like gypsophila. What’s more, the more the customer interacts with Pink Eagle recommendations, the more intuitive it becomes, meaning that the shopping experience becomes even more refined over time.
Facebook Chatbot
Many of our florists are liking our branded chatbot by Messenger app. We are seeing chatbot orders came from brand new customers, who in fact were younger than the company’s typical florist customers. They are already using the Messenger platform, so it’s been easy to engage them. They’re able to place an order in a minute; it’s gives them that fluidity.
Air Shipping and Logistics For Flowers
We are provide flower-focused freight forwarding. Providing excellent services and forging great relationships with airlines, exporters and consignees around the world