Black Roses, Rainbow Roses and Blue Roses


Dyed Roses also known as Tinted Roses

Dyed Roses also known as Tinted Roses. Black Roses, Rainbow Roses and Blue Roses are created by florists. Black Roses, Rainbow Roses and Blue Roses can not produced in nature, they were dyed or tinted black from other roses with dye or food coloring to give a black, rainbow or blue color appearance.

This may sound surprising but Black Roses, Rainbow Roses and Blue Roses are among our top 5 best sellers! Buy from Eagle-Link Flowers

What makes Black Roses, Rainbow Roses and Blue Roses among the most favorite roses? It is due to its vibrant and attention-grabbing colors.

Black Roses

Black Roses, don’t occur naturally but can be dyed from deep red roses, however there are hybrid very dark red roses that are passed as black roses. Black Roses are created by florists. Black Roses can not produced in nature, they were dyed or tinted black from the red roses with dye or black food coloring to give a black color appearance.

Natural Black Roses – The Turkish Halfeti Black Rose

Natural Black roses, called the Turkish Halfeti Rose, Arab Bride or Arab Beauty, bloom in small numbers exclusively in the village of Halfeti, Turkey.

This unique rose is extremely rare and strangely beautiful. It doesn’t bloom in petals of ebony immediately however. The rose blossoms a dark red but this scarlet shade fades to black as the summer progresses.

While the Turkish Halfeti Rose can only be grow in this very specific part of the world, its limited availability wasn’t immediately known until the residents of Halfeti were forced to relocate.

Rainbow Roses

Rainbow Roses are the multicolored roses and also don’t grow naturally. You can Make you own Rainbow Rose using a white rose and food coloring.

Blue Roses

Blue Roses – another color that is not naturally occurring is Blue Roses

Blue roses are created by artificially coloring white roses… Blue roses are often portrayed in literature and art as symbols of love, prosperity, or immortality… However, because of genetic limitations, they do not exist in nature… In 2004 researchers used genetic modification to create roses that contain the blue pigment delphinidin…

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Dyed Roses also known as Tinted Roses are unnaturally coloured achieved by dying regular roses, they don’t last as long in a vase as regular roses, as the dye affects the plants’ ability to photosynthesise and survive. You cannot grow black roses or blue roses or rainbow roses naturally from bulbs are seeds, despite seller claims on eBay. They have many uses, especially in the corporate flower market where matching corporate colours, logos & product packaging colours is required.

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