Fresh Cut Flower Growers in Kenya – Producers, Farms and Plantations

Though Eagle-Link Flowers exports fresh cut flowers from mainly smallholder farmers in Kenya; We also consolidate from big farms, plantations and growers. This page is a list of all growers available in our platform

Eagle-Link Flowers connects smallholder farmers of Fresh Cut Flowers from Kenya with Florist importer buyers around the world. While most of the fresh cut flowers consumed in the worldwide market originate from large farms, growers and plantations, small scale flower farms play a bigger role in the overall sector output. 

Kenya Flower export market players

Kenya remains to be the forth largest global player on the wholesale fresh cut flower export market, after the Netherlands, Colombia and Ecuador. While Colombia and Ecuador are growers, The Netherlands (Holland) is mainly a re-exporter of flowers though they also have local flowers.

Industry main regulators in Kenya are The Kenya Flower Council,  The Horticultural Crops Directorate (HCD) which was formerly known as Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) and The Kenya Plant health inspectorate Service (KEPHIS)

Showing 1–40 of 40 results

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