Mix Roses Bouquet – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut flowers, mix rose bouquets, mixed coloured grocery store bouquets. It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists
$5.00 -
Hot Pink Roses Bouquet – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut flowers, hot pink roses bouquet, pink coloured grocery store bouquets. It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists
$5.00 -
Light Pink Roses Bouquet – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut flowers, light pink roses bouquet, light pink coloured mono bouquets. It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists
$5.00 -
Cream Roses Bouquet – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut flowers, cream roses bouquets, cream coloured grocery store bouquets. It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists
$5.00 -
Mixed Bouquet of roses, gypsophila and ruscus – Mixed Bouquets
- Do you want to buy a farm prepared bouquet and sell without any florist know-how?
- This mixed bouquet is a beautiful assortment of flowers from small holder farms in Kenya.
- This Product is for artisan florists who want to be innovative and disrupt the traditional bottle necks by eliminating overhead costs like warehouses, importers, distributors, auctioneers and more.
$5.00 -
Mixed Bouquet of Roses and Spray Roses – Mixed Bouquets
- Do you want to buy a farm prepared bouquet and sell without any florist know-how?
- This mixed bouquet is a beautiful assortment of flowers from small holder farms in Kenya.
- This Product is for artisan florists who want to be innovative and disrupt the traditional bottle necks by eliminating overhead costs like warehouses, importers, distributors, auctioneers and more.
$5.00 -
Mixed Bouquet of roses, chysanthemum and ruscus – Mixed Bouquets
- Do you want to buy a farm prepared bouquet and sell without any florist know-how?
- This mixed bouquet is a beautiful assortment of flowers from small holder farms in Kenya.
- This Product is for artisan florists who want to be innovative and disrupt the traditional bottle necks by eliminating overhead costs like warehouses, importers, distributors, auctioneers and more.
$5.00 -
Single Roses- Red – Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut red roses bouquets; Single roses, fundraising bouquets.
$3.00 -
Single Roses – Assorted colours – Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut assorted colour bouquets; Single Roses – Assorted colours, bouquets.