Packed at the Source Monofloral Bouquets
White Roses Bouquets – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut flowers, white roses bouquet, white colour mono bouquets. It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists, supermarkets
$5.00 -
Pink Roses Bouquet – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut flowers, Pink roses bouquets, bi- coloured mono bouquets. It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists, supermarkets
$5.00 -
Red Roses Bouquet – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut red roses bouquet; Red roses bouquet; monofloral bouquets.
$5.00 -
Mix Roses Bouquet – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut flowers, mix rose bouquets, mixed coloured grocery store bouquets. It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists
$5.00 -
Hot Pink Roses Bouquet – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut flowers, hot pink roses bouquet, pink coloured grocery store bouquets. It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists
$5.00 -
Light Pink Roses Bouquet – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut flowers, light pink roses bouquet, light pink coloured mono bouquets. It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists
$5.00 -
Cream Roses Bouquet – Monofloral Bouquets
Buy wholesale fresh cut flowers, cream roses bouquets, cream coloured grocery store bouquets. It opens well with a long vase life, Very popular with florists
Packed at the Source Monofloral bouquets or Supermarket bouquets or mass market bouquets
Packed at the Source Monofloral bouquets or Supermarket bouquets or mass market bouquets are ready-made one variety of flowers only bouquets that we ship to mass market outlets that do not want to engage in floristry and bouquet making but simply unpack, display and sell mono flower bouquets
Each bouquet is packaged in custom clear plastic packs, bar-coded for easy pricing by the merchant and we attach flower food
pack rates
Each bouquet is normally sold as a 10-stem or 12-stem hand-tie bouquet
• 40cm – 30 bouquets per box
• 50cm – 25 bouquets per box
• 60cm – 20 bouquets per box