Fresh cut spray roses to florists in UK and Europe market

fresh spray roses

Fresh cut spray roses are well loved by florists in UK and Europe market but with a small growing interesting new market in Eastern Europe.

Fresh cut spray roses to florists in the European market – Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Western and southern European, Central and Eastern European countries, Norway and Switzerland, Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium

Fresh cut spray roses to florists in UK and Europe market – Floribunda or spray roses carry more buds per stem


Fresh cut spray roses to florists in UK and Europe market are traded in three quality groups: A1, A2 and B1. A1 roses must meet all the minimum requirements for internal quality, freshness, freedom from parasites, damage, deficiencies, deviations, contamination, absence of leaves on the lower 10 cm of the stem, stems that are straight and sturdy enough to bear the flower, uniformity of colour, thickness, sturdiness and bouquet volume, and proper packaging. Any deviations from these requirements may result in downgrading from A1 to A2 or B1. Cut flowers that do not meet the minimum criteria for B1 are not traded.

Fresh cut spray roses to florists in UK and Europe market – Packaging

Fresh cut spray roses to florists in UK and Europe market are often shipped without plastic sleeves to avoid the build-up of humidity. After arrival, the roses are often repackaged at the auction or by specialised importers. They are usually put into plastic flower containers (buckets) and supplied to the auction in the Netherlands or redistributed to an exporting wholesaler.

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