110 Best Fresh Cut Flowers Farms, Growers, Plantations and Producers in Kenya


Fresh Cut Flower Growers in Kenya and Producer Members of The Kenya Flower Council

Flower Farms in Kenya – Flower Growers in Kenya

The horticultural sector of Flower Growers in Kenya currently ranks as one of the economy’s fastest growing industries. Reasons for Industry Success include Active government, Favorable agro-climatic conditions, Availability of a hardworking and highly educated/qualified workforce, Massive investments by both local and overseas investors, Availability of airfreight, Maintenance of high standards through compliance to codes of practice, Good and informed marketing by the growers, Dynamic small holders for certain crops which are labor intensive, Good co-operation between the industry and the Government and vast knowledge and technology adoption.

A comprehensive list of flower farms in Kenya and Flower Growers in Kenya is always maintained and updated by industry regulators in kenya like the Kenya Flower Council,  The Horticultural Crops Directorate (HCD) which was formerly known as Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) and The Kenya Plant health inspectorate Service (KEPHIS)

Showing 1–40 of 40 results

The Kenya Flower Council and Producer Member

The Kenya Flower Council (KFC) is a voluntary association of independent growers and exporters of cut-flowers and ornamentals, established in 1996, with the aim of fostering responsible and safe production of cut flowers in Kenya with due consideration of workers welfare and protection of the environment.

Against this background the Council has become the focal point for industry representation, promotion, and compliance to pertinent local and international standards deemed necessary to secure, expand and sustain markets.

Fresh Cut Flowers Farms, Growers, Plantations and Producers in Kenya – Industry Self Regulation

Kenya Flower Council Certification is responsible for regulating Flower Growers in Kenya. Its Scheme is guided by an Accredited Quality System Regulations that defines the management, auditing and certification process. Flower Growers in Kenya subscribe to the Flowers and Ornamentals Sustainability Standard (F.O.S.S) and are audited annually.

The F.O.S.S is based on environmental and socio-economic principles which ensure certified producers foster sustainable, responsible and safe production of cut flowers and ornamentals. The Standard covers good agricultural practice, human resource management and workers welfare, good governance, health & safety, environmental protection & conservation, and post-harvest management. The Standard also embraces the requirements of the International Code of Conduct (ICC) and Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI).

Flower Growers in Kenya are awarded either Silver or Gold Certificate after complying with all the requirements of the certification category applied for. Silver Certification is mandatory for all the producer members while Gold Certification is voluntary.

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