What is Almost Zero Demand for Fresh Flowers
I believe that now is the right time to talk about florist marketing in times of almost zero demand for fresh cut flowers because obviously have a global crisis in form of Corona Virus Disease – COVID-19. Most Florists right now have do deal with cancelled orders from hotels, weddings etc. But is there something to look to?
I’ll give some tactics that I hope will be helpful to you and your teams, your clients, your bosses, everyone at your organizations as we’re going through this together.
People are paying attention online like never before
Getting into the flower industry or flower business is easy, but the survival is the toughest. In the present internet dominated scenario, to make your flower boutique successful, you need to make a great online presence. You need to start by creating a strong brand recognition for your online flower boutique
Get a website and start interacting with your potential customers. Also be in social media especially Instagram and Facebook because they are good with photos
Start Home Delivery of Flowers
With limited movement and few events to supply; home deliveries remains growth area during these difficult times
Update Your Google My Business Listing
Local search engine optimization; Local SEO is powerful for small florists businesses. Four out of five fresh flowers cusumers use search to find local information, which means if your florist business isn’t optimized for local search, you could be missing out on 80% of your potential customers.

Make sure that you’re either not ignoring the crisis or speaking effectively to it
Look at the e-mail and newsletters you’re sending out. Don’t over-market but be emphatic. I don’t think every marketing message has to change. But I think that in many cases make sure that you are not being insensitive as everyone is going through a hard time.