Spray roses have 3 to 5 heads in one stem and this is their main difference from standard roses that have one big bud per stem. Spray roses for florists; they create a spray of smaller blooms and spray roses are perfect for wrist corsages, centerpieces and other small scale arrangements. But you can also combine them with other roses, flowers and greenery in bigger bouquets for a thick and lush appearance. Spray roses are typically labeled as miniature roses.
Facts About Spray Roses
- Rose Variety:- Spray roses can be singles, with four to eight petals; semi-doubles, with 12 to 25 petals; or doubles, with 25 to 45 petals.The spray of roses often contains rose in various stages of maturity, from tight buds to fully open blooms.
- Uses:- Spray roses make up the bulk of small bouquets and corsages, with the foliage creating an attractive background for the brightly colored blooms. Sprays are ideal for small floral arrangements where larger roses may be overpowering. They add a touch of romance to any setting or event.
- Bloom Type:- Bloom color is similar to other roses, ranging from white and pink to deep red.
- Size:- Although there are exceptions, with some full-size roses forming a spray, generally, spray roses are prized for their miniature size and the dainty cluster of blooms.
Spray Roses for florists
Tralala – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Lianne – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Leila – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Twinkle Blossom – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Velvet blossom – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Cherry Blossom – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Secret Magic – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Smooth Blossoms – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Sand blossoms – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Picanto – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Fancy Blossom – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Odilia – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Purple Queen – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Speaking Blossoms – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Cheyenne – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Dominica – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Sancerre – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Melanie – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Paparazi – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Tarantella – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Snowy Blossoms$0.40 – $0.50
Lydia – Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.55
Spray Roses Cappuccino$0.55 – $0.85
Mix Regular Spray Roses$0.40 – $0.50
Why Spray Roses for florists are perfect in bouquets
Spray roses have some special traits that make them ideally suited for the use in bouquets. First and foremost they grow multiple blooms per stem. That provides for a lush effect in mono or mixed bouquets. The blooms themselves are relatively small which add to an elegant touch in a bouquet and make them fit in with other flowers in mixed bouquets.
Considerations for Market & Wholesale Spray Roses
- Let every florist and flower shop plan for these spray roses flowers by creative floral arrangements and floral gift, because miniature roses are an ideal choice.
- Small spray rose bouquets are a more affordable choice than long-stemmed roses and can be both pretty and fragrant.
- The perfect flower for weddings and events, due to their ‘baby rose’ appearance. Bunches of these look colorful and decorative. Picture for example purposes only. Look and colors may vary. Solid colors only, no assorted colors.